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Teaching Competition and National Education Seminar in LPMP of Central Java
On April 19 and 20 Pudak Scientific, in collaboration with Pesona Edu and IGI (Ikatan Guru Indonesia/the Indonesian Teachers Association), held Teaching Competition, which conducted in microteaching method, and the National Education Seminar. These events were conducted at the LPMP (Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan/ the Education Quality Assurance Agency) of Central Java in Jalan Kyai Mojo Srondol Kulon, Banyumanik, Semarang .

The initial selection of the Teaching Competition was held on April 19, 2014. This competition was followed by 15 participants of Elementary School Teachers from various regions in Central Java. The competition took place from 09:00 until 15:00 WIB (the Western Indonesia Time). In this competition participants were required to present the ideal learning activities in accordance with the 2013 Curriculum for 20 minutes.

Unexpectedly, there were teachers who used unique and fun teaching method variations. There were teachers who encourage their students to sing, dance, and even had funny appearance. They did these to present the attractive teaching and learning activities for students. Three of the 15 competitors were selected for final round.

The next day, April 20, 201, approximately 400 teachers from Central Java and the surrounding areas packed the third floor of the Central Java LPMP building. They came to attend the National Education Seminar with the theme of "Empowering Teachers in Preparing the Qualified IT Based Content in the Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum". The seminar was presented by Dr. Ir. Indra Djati Sidi, MSc., Ph.D. the former director general of Dikmenum (the secondary education).

In his presentation Dr. Indra Djati emphasized the importance of IT based learning activities to support the learning activities in the present and the future. Time efficiency, target effectiveness and changing work culture requires teacher to be able to optimally utilize the IT knowledge. At the end of his presentation Dr. Indra Jati encouraged teachers who attended the seminar to not fear of gadgets and internet.

After the National Education Seminar, the event continued with the final round of Teaching Competition. Three finalist teachers performed their skill on stage. They should be able to teach well in front of 400 other teachers. The winner was also determined by the voting results of all 400 teachers attended the event. Perhaps this was the most difficult teaching process ever experienced by the three finalists.

On this occasion, to establish a good relationship between Pudak Scientific as the educational aids producers and the schools in Indonesia, through the "Pudak Loves Teachers" movement, we gave away pins and plastic calipers souvenirs to the 400 seminar participants.

After the competition, Pudak Scientific conducted mini workshops. Even though the seminar presented about education utilizing the information technology and the computer era cannot be avoided, in this mini workshop Pudak Scientific presented conventional teaching aids products because conventional teaching aids can touch the three learning aspects, which are the affective, psychomotor, and cognitive aspects. Moreover, Pudak Scientific also displayed its newest products in the form of computer integrated sensors that can be combined with the conventional teaching aids.
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